Fan tables, fan parties, flyers, and freebies

Fan Tables and Parties

CoNZealand may be virtual, but we will still have the fan tables and fan parties as you would expect at any Worldcon – though naturally they will be a bit different! Due to the time zone differences of having CoNZealand members taking part from all around the world, we are looking at three ‘bands’ of suggested times for fan tables and parties, lasting three hours each, spread around the clock and around the world for different time zones.

Band 1: 11pm-2am NZST, 7am-10am EDT, 12noon-3pm BST, etc.
Band 2: 7am-10am NZST, 3pm-6pm EDT, 8pm-11pm BST, etc.
Band 3: 3pm-6pm NZST, 11pm-2am EDT, 4am-7am BST, etc.

Look for chat rooms where the hosts greet members and answer your questions. Depending on the time zones of the hosts, they will not be active in all three bands, but we expect at least two of them. They may also have links or videos available during their ‘off’ hours. Parties may be in any of the bands. So be prepared to join a party whether it is 8pm, 7am, or 3pm wherever you are.

If you would like to host a table or party, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.


Do you love picking up flyers for other conventions and fan groups all over the world? You can still do that! We will have a web page full of PDFs of flyers ready for you to download to your computer. If you would like to have your flyer included, please send it to


We are looking for ebooks (full stories, magazines, or samples), artwork that can be used for laptop or mobile phone wallpaper, etc. These will be combined into packets that will be distributed to members. Please email to get more information about including your files.


Fan Tables and Parties form

If you would like to host a table or party, fill out this form. We look forward to hearing from you!