Donating/Sponsoring a scholarship

We are relying on donations and sponsorships to provide scholarships for the Aotearoa Inclusion Initiative. If you would like to donate cash or a membership to the initiative, please click the link at the bottom of this page to be taken to the donations page. 

If you own a company, or know of a company, that would be able to provide sponsorship by May, we’d love to hear from you. Please email:

The earlier we receive donations the better. We need all donations accounted for by 8 May 2020 in order to finalise scholarship recipients by 22 May 2020.

What will my donation money be used for?

Money will be put towards memberships (set aside at a discounted rate by the convention to maximise the number of people we can support), travel, and accommodation. 

Are you a charity so I can write-off my donation for tax purposes?

CoNZealand is a project of SFFCONZ, a Charitable Society. Charities Number #CC56587.  New Zealand donors will be able to claim the tax on their donations.

Receipts will be issued to all donors.

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