About CoNZealand

The bid for ConZealand was started sort of accidentally. You can read about it on this page.

What’s been going on since then?

  • Conventions and Incentives New Zealand contacted us and offered their support. We have a letter offering logistical support, as well as actual cash to help with the bidding process. A convention of the size of a Worldcon is a significant event for New Zealand. Most people when coming to New Zealand will tend to take the opportunity to make it a holiday and spend more time than just the convention in the country. This has significant economic and social benefits.
  • Tourism NZ has ben A-MA-ZING. They have been supporting us with suggestions and postage.
  • The fan community in New Zealand is keen to see this happen, with some understandable reservations. Much the same reservations as anyone else has when approaching a project of this magnitude. But the meetings we’ve had have been impressive with a lot of fans showing up at 9AM on a Monday morning of a con to talk about a Worldcon in New Zealand. I think you will agree that this shows enthusiasm. The Smofcon South held in December 2016 was very positive.
  • The fan community outside New Zealand is keen to see this happen. And there have been many offers of help. Which we will need.

What’s happening in the future?

  • Here in New Zealand, we will be adding elements on Worldcons to our local conventions. On a smaller scale to be sure. But this will give us some level of practise.
  • We not only have a table and parties at world conventions but we have our ambassadors, armed with backpacks full of resources, spreading the word at other conventions around the world. Plus the fans who regularly turn up to help crew our table at cons. We couldn’t do this without these guys. If you want to volunteer to help, talk to someone at our table.

Why Wellington?

There are so many reasons why Wellington is the perfect spot to host a Worldcon – we’ve got a video coming to tell you more.